
Friday, April 17, 2020

What Everybody Else Does When It Comes to College Essay Guy Nbc and What You Should Do Different

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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Children Growth and Education Values

Table of Contents Introduction Theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner Individual Attributes Influence of the Natural Environment The influence of bodily – kinesthetic intelligence Conclusion References Introduction Education is an important step through which learners acquire knowledge and skills in a variety of subjects. This knowledge is important in the psychological development of these learners because it allows them obtain necessary intellect that pertaining to the subjects they learn. These skills could be of great importance once they become older. Childhood is one of the most important stages of human development and as such, children should be nurtured delicately for them to get the best out of their abilities.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Children Growth and Education Values specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, children should be allowed to learn within an environm ent, which can help to bring out their best talents and abilities while they are still very young to make them grow up effectively. There is an urgent need for the education system to be more responsive to the needs of these children in order to nurture and harness their abilities effectively. This would enable them excel in their fields of specialization later on in life. Theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner The theory of multiple intelligences is one that has had a great impact on educational and growth values as far as early childhood education is concerned. This theory, as proposed by Howard Gardner (2006), views education as the practice through which societal problems can be solved through ways that cherish cultural setting within which that education is being offered. Therefore, education according to Gardner (2006) must have the ability to come up with products that can have a lasting impact on cultural advancement of a particular society. The potential of chil dren who are taught within such a system can therefore be assessed based on cultural beliefs and attitudes that exist within a particular culture. The intelligences offered within that culture will be mainly reliant on the types of opportunities that are dominant in that culture and the level of influence other society members have on learners regarding these opportunities (Gardner, 2006). Societal members can include teachers, families and other individuals who play a big part in making decisions that govern how education system is run. Gardner’s theories advance the belief that each set of human beings has unique intelligences, which combine in different ways through abilities that manifest among themselves. The eight intelligences in a human being play a part in determining a person’s weaknesses and strengths and as such, two people can never have similar set of strengths and weaknesses based on the eight intelligences. Gardner (2006) shows that one or more of these intelligences can be enhanced through learning process within an ideal environment. This could actually determine a person’s strength in a specific area. Intelligence therefore within this line of thought is brought out more as a wide range of abilities that specific individuals excel in. This cannot be limited to perceived narrow views regarding human abilities and inner potentials. An individual can be able to perform several functions that are related to some of these intelligences. The ability to replicate exceptional performance varies from individual to individual (Gardner, 2006).Advertising Looking for term paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Individual Attributes Gardner can be credited with bringing to the fore the importance of recognizing specific attributes that an individual possesses, which can be polished to make that individual stand out in whatever he or she chooses to do (Baum, Viens, Slatin, 2005). In early childhood education, the unique attributes of every child can be recognized at a very early stage and teachers and parents are in a better position to evaluate the likely path that a child is likely to take as he or she grows up. Baum, Viens and Slatin (2005) argue that one of the theory’s intelligences regarding an identifiable core set of operations within each human being reinforces the argument that human ability is more individualized. Thus, a person who is outstanding in one field cannot be expected to be outstanding in a different field that is unrelated. This is very relevant in early childhood education because based on this, children cannot be expected to have uniform strengths and weaknesses and as such, they cannot perform all tasks with similar sets of results. Baum, Viens and Slatin (2005) argue that teachers and parents should assess each child individually based on strengths of each child and evaluate how this can be of benefit later o n in life. A clear design in the learning methods adopted should be able to focus on areas that each individual learner has strength. Moreover, the design should seek ways in which this can be harnessed (Baum, Viens, Slatin, 2005). The areas in which the learner is inclined to should be nurtured in early childhood development to ensure that he or she gets a solid foundation on which they can rely on later on in life. The teaching methods used should be aligned to each individual child’s talents and abilities and the teacher must be in a position to help each child to be at ease with anything that he or she is good at. The teacher should take the differences that are exhibited by the children seriously in order to identify a child’s inner potential and how it can be nurtured to bring out the best rewards for the child as they grow up (Baum, Viens, Slatin, 2005). The values passed on to the children will have a big influence in determining their personality. These diff erences are vital in creating strong relationships between a child and other people. Appreciation of individual confidence is necessary in promoting a child’s self worth and esteem. This can actually act as a big motivational tool in helping the child achieve his or her dreams (Baum, Viens, Slatin, 2005). Teacher’s recognition of a child’s individual strengths and weaknesses enables the educator to be proactive in evaluating the best ways to teach that child. Baum, Viens and Slatin (2005), state that this recognition helps the child to be aware of what he or she needs to do to be prominent in society. Within the early childhood curricula, identification of specific talents and abilities that a child possesses can be an invaluable tool for making the child aware of the expectations that are bestowed upon him or her in the society.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Children Growth and Education Values specifically for you for o nly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Influence of the Natural Environment Gardner ‘s theory argues that human beings are able to emulate behavior from the natural surroundings within which they live and as such, this has a big influence in helping them nurture and grow their talents. Thus, in early childhood developmental stages, nature has a profound impact on growth and learning because the child is able to internalize whatever he or she experiences within a particular environment (Morrison, 2008). The child therefore must be exposed to a positive and nurturing environment, which can leave a permanent impression on the child as he or she grows up. Morrison (2008) reveals that a negative environment can easily diminish a child’s learning ability thereby proving more harmful to growth and development of that child. This can hamper the nurturing of positive qualities within a child. Gardner’s argument that a positively rewarding environment is essential f or learning holds a lot of weight. As such, it can have a lot of influence in developing human capacities and capabilities. Morrison (2008) notes further that an environment with resources gives a child an advantage of determining the path that he or she chooses and makes such a child more competent. Therefore, it is always vital to make sure that children are exposed to necessary resources and materials that would help them nurture and grow their abilities, both at home and at school (Morrison, 2008). Early childhood learning facilities should be equipped to respond to the differences in abilities that might be exhibited by children at that early learning stage. Learning resources should be adequate and they should be able to give children necessary nurturing skills to enable them grow their abilities even further. A child internalizes the basics of an environment that he or she is brought up (Morrison, 2008). Therefore, children would be able to follow natural tendencies that have been bestowed on them because of exposure to facilities and resources that exist within the environment. Morrison (2008) further argues that the society, which the child lives in, would greatly influence the nature of the activity that the child will adopt and as such, this may end up becoming the chosen path that such a child would pursue in life. The influence of bodily – kinesthetic intelligence Gardner’s theory states that this intelligence enables a person to perform strenuous physical activities. It also helps an individual become skillful in regulating his or her bodily movements to produce desired action. Nardi (2001) shows that this is very relevant in early childhood education because children can be taught the value of endurance. The child can be able to nurture such abilities at a young age because they can be able to acclimatize to the physical exertion required to perfect their bodily intelligence. The child can trained to acquire a clear goal regarding to the physical action. This would further help a child understand the rigors that are involved and the desired effect of such goals on his or her achievement in life (Nardi, 2001). Early childhood teachers can make such children cherish their participation in physical activities by emphasizing on the importance of training and staying fit all the time.Advertising Looking for term paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the past, theoretical classroom aspects of learning have been given more recognition in early childhood curriculum compared to practical and outdoor aspects of learning. Therefore, this form of intelligence should be given the importance it requires. It is the role of early childhood teachers to ensure that more children can appreciate the benefits of physical outdoor activities (Nardi, 2001). This is a valuable way of making children utilize their muscular movements to achieve their abilities. This would help children prosper in fields that require many physical activities. Nardi (2001) further adds that such children can be taught how to benefit from their physical tenacity and endurance. This would ensure that they cultivate the demands of the fields they choose to be part. Necessary training procedures can be used to help such children refine their skills. This ensures that they develop their reflexes and timing to become good at what they do. Children who have an inclination towards bodily kinesthetic intelligence are taught best through physical and muscular movements. This allows them to acquire skills that are necessary in developing their abilities (Nardi, 2001). They learn well by engaging in such physical activities. As such, the teacher should ensure that there are adequate amenities, both outdoor and indoor, that can help such children exploit their abilities fully. Nardi (2001) reveals that physical activities suit children who may want to pursue careers in theatre, dancing, singing and other performance arts. Such children may also have a desire to pursue careers in the military, sports, engineering and architecture. Conclusion In conclusion, Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences addresses the factors that affect child growth and education, and their impact on learning process. The theory addresses issues related to individual abilities and how they can be harnessed to make children more competent. Teachers play a big role in enhancing the talents of children. It is noted that both teachers and parent have a role to play in nurturing children’s talents and abilities. It is also noted that children have varying talents and capacities. Each child should be evaluated carefully to determine his or her capability. Children with the same capacities are to be exposed to the same teaching methods and techniques. References Baum, S., Viens J., Slatin, B. (2005). Multiple intelligences in the elementary classroom: a teacher’s toolkit. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons. New York, NY: Basic Books. Morrison, G. (2008). Early Childhood Education Today. New York, NY: Pearson Education. Nardi, D. (2001). Multiple Intelligence and Personality Type. New York, NY: Telos Publications. This term paper on Children Growth and Education Values was written and submitted by user Ashlyn Douglas to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How To Go About Reading Food Microbiology Research Papers

How To Go About Reading Food Microbiology Research PapersFood microbiology research papers are used for several purposes, including education and entertainment. But whatever their purpose, they can be easily acquired in the form of articles, web sites and other media that feature food microbiology research papers. The best part about these research papers is that they allow people to access vital information and include data that is not necessarily available on the Internet or in the public library.However, before one goes out to review these microbiology research papers, he or she should always have a few things clear in his or her mind. First, one should know how to go about reading them. One way of reading these papers is by downloading them from the Internet or acquiring them in the form of e-books. However, if one wants to access these foods research papers online, he or she needs to find a platform to access them and this can either be a website that specializes in these types of materials or a blog site.While reading these microbiology research papers, one should keep in mind that any of the content that he or she sees is not necessarily accurate. The main reason for this is that some people make use of statistical methods that make it appear as though they are telling the truth when in fact, the content is not accurate and this is something that a person should never ignore.The next thing that a person needs to do is to take note of the source that he or she obtained the food microbiology research papers from. These sources could be e-books, websites, magazines and even blogs. Once this is done, one can begin reviewing the content of these papers and understand what they are talking about.After reviewing the contents of the food microbiology research papers, a person should be able to assess whether or not the content is true or false. This will come in handy because a person should beable to make a conclusion based on his or her understanding of the co ntent of the paper. For example, if a person finds the content of the paper to be untrue, he or she should proceed to discard the entire content as being incorrect.When it comes to making conclusions, a person can always consult the reviews on the Internet for a more accurate reading of the food microbiology research papers. On the other hand, he or she can also base his or her own conclusions on what he or she learns from the review. If a person has access to e-books, a person can simply read the reviews and then come to his or her own conclusions on what the content says.While browsing through the various sites, a person can learn about many new things and he or she can read all kinds of opinions on various topics. However, a person should not forget to look for reviews on the website or on the blog so that he or she can come to a conclusion based on the review and not just on the content. Finally, once a person has read the whole paper, he or she should note down the content that he or she has read so that he or she can go back and review it again in the future.Although it can be quite challenging to go through the paper, one should be willing to go through it if the content is untrue. Doing so will allow a person to gain a more accurate understanding of what this type of literature is all about.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

College English Argumentative Essay Topics

College English Argumentative Essay TopicsCollege English arguments can be any number of things, but they often center on particular college English argumentative essay topics. These topics range from the obvious to the highly abstract. The abstract topics are the most popular and the most often used.One of the most common college English argumentative essay topics is 'behavioral science.' This is an area that deals with making an assessment of a group of people in order to provide a prediction about how that group will behave. As you might guess, this area of study involves a wide variety of studies. These studies include subjects such as marketing and advertising, sociology, psychology, statistics, medical fields, legal and financial sectors, and even political science.Another interesting topic for college students to consider when writing an argumentative essay is philosophy. Philosophy deals with questions such as: what is truth? What is free will? What is right and wrong? Should one obey the law or not?This is an interesting and often difficult topic for college English students to tackle. The difficulty comes from the fact that there are a wide variety of different philosophies that many people will argue over. If you're a philosophy major, you will not be intimidated by this topic. You'll find that it can actually help to expand your mind.Of course, there is the American social and political. An argumentative essay for this topic is one that will analyze several ideas that deal with a specific aspect of society, culture, or government. Students will look at the role of the media, culture, and politics to provide an accurate view of America.The arts also fall under the category of college English argumentative essay topics. They can cover many different subjects including: film, music, literature, drama, dance, and theater. These are all subjects that are in some way related to art, as well as studies of art. Students must learn how to study properly and how to express themselves creatively in order to create a work of art.For college students to write an argumentative essay on these subjects, they must understand the arguments. They must learn how to use language effectively. They must know how to properly organize their thoughts and how to structure their essay. They must also have the ability to write coherently and accurately.These are all important elements of success when it comes to college English essay topics. Students must develop the knowledge necessary to write arguments of this caliber.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How to Prepare Past Papers for CS101

How to Prepare Past Papers for CS101It is interesting to see how much effort, time and research went into preparing a program for CS101 Final Term. The detailed homework assignment, long test papers, extensive reading and many more factors are vital in preparing a successful final term. Each student is supposed to do his own work without any supervision. One has to be confident and responsible and may not hesitate to research and correct errors or make suggestions on things that are unclear to him.The degree course would normally end on the last day of Final Term. The paper work would continue till the last day of the last week of assignments. Students will have to complete a paper in this period. Most papers are prepared by the instructors and lecturers.The problems of CS101 are faced by students during Final Term, and they should be submitted at the very end of the period. They can be submitted with notes to the instructor.The future student must study at least two years before app lying for CS101. He must be strong and able to withstand many adversities and challenges. The system will take care of all his problems and the quality of studies will be good and enjoyable.The top priority for all students is to appear smart in papers which would be used to determine if they will qualify for admission. If a student is still in school, it is important to perform well in papers. The past papers can be compared to the marks and the grade given by the teachers.CS101 provides an opportunity to test your knowledge about computer sciences and programming. If you are having problem in solving some problem, you can always consult the references provided by the professors or lecturers.Students should consider paper study in CS101 as a great opportunity to realize their abilities and knowledge. The past papers reflect the character of the student and are also an indication of the future trend of the student.